Tuesday, June 3, 2008

tick tock....

This is what the situation looked like last night!!  Things are beginning to look up though!!  I am still doing last minute laundry, the kids have their 'activity bags' ready, the munchy bags are ready, but drinks aren't yet!  NO CLOTHES have been packed and I am busy filling my ipod with cds from a neighbor that I need to return before I leave!  I think that I am leaving between 2 and 3pm tomorrow...votes on whether or not that happens?  Went to AAA, have the route mapped with hotel options for tomorrow night... hubby can sleep in peace when we are gone!  I can hardly wait to hang with my sister and her son (ok, really with her when the kids all go to bed!)  I can play auntie friday when they are all rested, but thursday night is sister time!!!  A bottle of wine and not nearly enough sleep I imagine!!  I can hardly wait!  Went to the library to get books on colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown for the kids to read on the way - bets on this happening either??  The washer and dryer are both beeping at me - off to finish the loads so I can start packing!!!

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