Thursday, October 23, 2008

family self portrait

So, I took the girls' pictures yesterday for our Christmas cards and we decided to do a family portrait with the self-time on my camera - it could be worse!  The goal is to make it b&w so all the jersey colors are less obvious - everyone has on a jets' jersey except me - mine is a GB Favre but since the # is the samd it will be fine in b&w!!  This will also appear on our Christmas cards most likely so sorry to those of you who will have to see it twice!


Merrie said...

That's great, G! I love the theme -- my husband would definitely jump on that same idea if I showed him. We're big Packer fans, so I like YOUR jersey. :) I hate that Brett is a Jet now, but it's something I've learned to live with.
You all look wonderful!

The Mom Jen said...

Love it, great pic of everyone! Your hair looks great, Lis showed me the cell phone pic, but it was hard to see! It really looks good dark!

Ranch Girl said...

Great picture! And, I can see your hair color better in this one - I love it! Very 'Autumny' :-)

Amazing_Grace said...

Great pic!

mollybloom said...

That's a great picture---the girls have such sweet smiles---and I love your hair color :)