Thursday, February 5, 2009

think of me...

So, as you read this, I am winging it accross the country to visit Ranch Girl!  Here's what my day of travel will look like...  I have a 6am flight out of Indy to Chicago, then a nice little layover - time for coffee and a muffin (ok, it's a 2 hour layover so 
several cups of coffee and muffins!!).  Good thing that I will have packed this...

with lots of entertainment for me!  I keep m
unchies, knitting, reading, my DS to play games on, my Archos to watch movies on and of course I have my "liquid baggie"!!
I need to make sure that I have a good seat assignment and not one of these!!

Emergency exits seats are good for the legroom, but I HATE not having my stuff at my feet!  Don't even get me started all the education that goes into the responsibility of sitting in that seat - you can waste all your time on a short flight studying these em
ergency procedure cards!

I am looking forward to a nice peaceful flight - ok really 3 flights, but traveling alone makes it much better - trying to switch planes twice with hubby and the 3 girls is a whole other story!  Too much crap to lug around and too many people to keep entertained!  Don't get me wrong, my girls are great travelers and I really enjoy our family trips, but when it's the 5 of us, I prefer a direct flight  one change at the most!  When it's just me, I don't mind more than one transfer - especially when I'm heading on one of our girls' trips or in this case going to see Ranch Girl!! 


Jenni said...

Sounds so fun. I wanna go somewhere by myself. I'm officially jealous.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Have a great time. . . hope all of your stuff stayed inplace in that little knapsack!