Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The first day of school....

Little S got creative with breakfast this morning!! How cute is that?
Big S started middle school today - she was soooo excited! She's so grown up now! Apparently it's cooler to carry a tote than a backpack, but at least she found a cute one!

Little G was ready for school when Big S's bus came 55 minutes before hers did!! Some people are just plain crazy I guess ;) Third grade, how did that happen?
Little S was ready to go to 4th grade with her new pink elephant lunchbox! The eternal elephant lover, she didn't care what age group they were marketing to - she wanted that lunch box and of course I couldn't say no!!
Our bus stop is a little smaller this morning - there were 4 kids missing who will be there tomorrow, so the chaos will continue at the end of our driveway for another year! This morning all parents were there, dressed for work or at least their day - it will probably be a week or two before we start showing up in pjs and the dads are pretty much done for the year now!!
Bye Bye kiddos! See you at 2:50pm!! Have a great school year!!!
The house did seem quiet, but there's so much to do - so much blogging, I mean laundry, cleaning and organizing, to do that they'll be home before I know it!! Let the fun begin!!

1 comment:

Merrie said...

Happy new school year! We start on Monday and no, I can't believe I have a third grader, either! I'm so excited for them, but of course a little nervous about what the year will have in store. (Charlie is a handful.)
Enjoy the peace!